3 Things You Need To Know When Getting Car Insurance For The First Time
If you have purchased your first vehicle, you need to obtain insurance for your car. Or, if you are moving off your parent's car insurance, you will need to get your own insurance policy. When it comes to getting car insurance for the first time, there are some essential things you need to know.
Thing #1: Must Carry the State's Minimum Insurance
When you start shopping around for a car insurance policy, you will discover a lot of variety in how you can customize your coverage.
To begin with, you need to carry at least the minimum coverage required by your state. In most states, you are required to carry liability coverage that will cover the costs of damage to another party's vehicle and their medical bills if you cause an accident. In some states, you must also carry personal injury protection, which will take care of your medical bills should you get into an accident.
The state requirements are the bare minimum when it comes to the type of coverage you can have. Explore what the limits are for your state and decide if you want to increase the minimum coverage limits.
Thing #2: Collision and Comprehensive Insurance Protect Your Car
The insurance that the state requires you to get provides you with liability and possibly medical coverage, but it doesn't protect your actual car at all. If you don't have the funds to replace your vehicle, should it get damaged or totaled in an accident, you will want to investigate the collision and comprehensive insurance.
Collision insurance will pay to fix your car if you cause an accident. Comprehensive insurance will pay for other damage that can occur to your vehicle, like hail damage or a tree branch falling and damaging your car. Without this type of coverage, if you get into an accident that is determined to be your fault, you will have to take care of fixing up and replacing your car on your own.
Thing #3: Know the Best Extras to Add on to Your Insurance
Finally, there are some extras that you should add to your insurance. It is a good idea to get uninsured or underinsured motorist coverage. This coverage will pay to fix your car if you get into an accident with someone who doesn't have insurance.
Otherwise, you will have to pursue compensation through the court system, and if someone can't afford to carry insurance, there is a high likelihood that they can't afford to pay you compensation.
You should also get roadside assistance, so if you get a flat tire or need a jump, you can access that without having to pay any extra money.
When it comes to getting insurance for the first, you need to make sure you get the state's bare minimum required. If you want to protect your vehicle, you will want to get collision and comprehensive insurance. It can be a good idea to add extras, like uninsured motorist coverage and roadside assistance to your policy as well.
If you have more questions about what insurance policy you should get, talk to someone who sells insurance near you, like a state farm agent, for advice.