all about rental insurance

Major Differences Between RV Coverage And Auto Insurance

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If you have an RV, don’t assume that your auto insurance coverage applies to it; you need special RV coverage because the two forms of insurance are markedly different. Here are some of the major differences between the two. RV Coverage Has Higher Liability Thresholds One of the major differences is that RV coverage tends to have higher limits for liability coverage than auto insurance coverage. This makes perfect sense if you consider these two things:…

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4 Mistakes To Avoid When Shopping For A Motorcycle Insurance Policy

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When shopping for motorcycle insurance, there are some special considerations that you need to keep in mind to make sure you’re properly covered on and off the road. As you explore your coverage options, however, there are a few specific mistakes you should be especially careful to avoid. Only Focusing on Price While nobody wants to pay more than they need to for motorcycle insurance, focusing only on finding the cheapest policy is likely to leave you with some gaps in coverage.…

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Unraveling Two Myths About Gap Insurance

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When you purchase insurance for a new or used vehicle, you will be presented with a variety of coverage options, one of which is gap insurance. Although this type of insurance has been around for a while, many people are still confused about what this product does and does not cover. Here are the facts about two common misconceptions about gap insurance to ensure you know what you’re paying for.…

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